Friday, November 27th 2015: Annual blood Drive from 1:30pm - 7pm In November St. Bart’s will be conducting its 80th Blood Drive in the 34 years since starting in 1981. We are traditionally asked to run drives during holiday periods when the need for blood is great and the donations are usually down. Your support is just one of many things that make St. Bart’s special. If you can donate, please call Tony Sciacca on 914 423-3592 for an appointment and tell your family and friends, too
December 7th 2015: The women of the parish are invited to join the members of the Rosary Altar Society on Monday, December 7th, for a special 5:30 p.m. Mass and their Christmas Dinner at Reno’s Restaurant, 33 Lockwood Avenue, Yonkers. The cost is $35 per person. Reservations are required by Tuesday, December 1st. Please call Josephine at 914 476-5386. Payment marked RAS Dinner can be dropped in the collection basket or brought to the Parish Office.
Parish Events