Outreach & Evangelization  Commission


Membership And Officers

  • The Commission shall be composed of ten (10) members of the parish, the pastor, and the associate pastor. 
  • The pastor, in consultation with the Parish Pastoral Council and the Stewardship Committee, shall appoint members to the Commission.  
  • The Commission shall have a chairperson, appointed by the pastor.
  • The Commission shall elect the Commission’s vice chair and a recorder. 
  • The term for the officers shall be a three-year term, renewable once. 
  • Members’ term shall be a three-year term, renewable once. The terms of service should be staggered.
  • Balanced representation from various segments of a parish's population is desirable.

Qualities Needed in Outreach & Evangelization Commission Members

  • They should be knowledgeable in the Church’s teachings about mission, evangelization, ecumenism, social justice and charity, etc, or at least be eager and open to learn.
  • They should show a deep commitment and concern for the mission and vision of the Commission and enthusiasm to help implement them.
  • Desire to help make a change in the society – to help St. Bart’s continue to make an impact on our community and the society – to make a difference.
  • They should be regular at Mass attendance and show interest in deepening their relationship with God. 
  • They must have the enthusiasm to share the teachings of the Catholic Faith with others by word and deed; and an active engagement in, and concern about, the life of the parish.
  • They must be people who follow through on what they have agreed to do. Therefore, any member who misses too many meetings or does not follow up on what they agreed to do, shall be asked to step down and a replacement appointed by the pastor.
  • They should be interested in the current affairs of the parish, the community, and the society, beginning from Yonkers to the global society.


  • The Chairs shall call for and conduct the Commission meetings.  
  • Meetings shall be held monthly or bi-monthly depending on the needs.
  • The members shall dedicate a portion of the meeting time for the purposes of shared learning and dialogue on things that pertain to the mission and vision of the Commission. Agendas should begin with a meaningful encounter with the Lord in prayer, followed by an opportunity to grow in faith and understanding, such as meditatively reading the upcoming Sunday gospel, sharing on a point from Church documents on the evangelization, community outreach, ecumenism, etc. After prayer and study, then the meeting should proceed with a reasonable list of topics to be addressed.

Other relevant matters

  • The Chair shall represent the Commission on the Parish Pastoral Council.
  • His/her tasks are not only to report and represent the work of the commission, but to learn and convey back to the commission the issues, works and concerns of the Parish Pastoral Council and its other commissions.
  • The Commission carries out its responsibilities in a spirit of collaboration with the pastor, the parish staff, the Parish Pastoral Council, and the wider parish community. The commission also has a collaborative relationship with other parish commissions.
  • Members of the Commission are to be mindful of reaching out to every segment of the parish and listening to their input, recognizing how much it means to parishioners when they have a sense that they can share their concerns and ideas, and that they are valued.

                                                       Long-term Goals Of The Ministry

  • Strive to integrate the Church’s teachings on social concerns, ecumenism, and the new evangelization into the fabrics or life of the parish community.
  • Develop and provide continuous support to the ministries and committees under the Commission
  • Provide necessary tools for the ministry members to be able to carry out their tasks
  • Constantly evaluate and re-evaluate the progress and efforts of the various ministries and help propose ways to be more productive and efficient

Promote prayer for various causes:

  • The Commission shall identify people, needs and causes that need our prayers as a parish and present them to the parish through the Pastor and the Parish Pastoral Council.
  • They could send in prayers to be added to the Prayers of the Faithful at Sunday Liturgy. Such prayers should include the weakest and most vulnerable members of the society, especially the unborn, children, the sick, the disabled, the elderly, the poor and unemployed, discrimination, abuse, and neglect, etc.


  • We are called to proclaim the Gospel of love and of life. In order to proclaim, we must understand.
  • The Commission helps the parish and parishioners to understand by organizing platforms to help parishioners in their understanding and better still, by infusing the Church’s teachings into parish events and activities whenever possible.
  • Invite speakers to lead a discussion on issues of social concerns, ecumenism, evangelization, etc.
  • Insert simple messages about these topics in the parish bulletin once in a while
  • Present simple messages on these topics to the Parish Council at their meetings once in a while.
  • Once or twice a year conduct an essay on a topics of social concern, ecumenism, evangelization, etc and award a prize


  • We are called to give of ourselves to others – to find ways to help those who are most in need.
  • The Commission should help to make St. Bart’s a place where anyone struggling with a life issue can find material and spiritual support from the parish community – this is mostly done through the Social Welfare Ministry

Advocacy and Organizing for Change

  • We are called to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters, to be a voice for the voiceless, the defenseless, and the most vulnerable in the society.
  • Charity and justice go hand in hand
  • In regards to charity, we are obligated to strive to meet the immediate needs of those most in need by providing material and spiritual support.
  • However, charity does not change social structures that threaten human life and human dignity
  • Working for justice requires finding the root causes of poverty, hunger, homelessness, direct threats to human life, oppression, and other forms of injustice and empowering the community to speak out and work for change
  • As Pope Paul VI said, “If you want peace, work for justice.”

Outreach & Evangelization Commission Member Position Description

Reports to:         Commission Chair

                          General Responsibilities of Every Commission & Council Member:

Specific Responsibilities of Outreach & Evangelization Commission Member

  • Strive to participate in the activities (not meetings) of the ministries under the Commission, supporting them by physical presence as well as moral support.
  • Help recruit new members into the various ministries under the Commission
  • Explore activities and presentations that will help parishioners be more aware of their baptismal call to be disciples who help to spread the Gospel and who help to build the kingdom of God wherever we are.
  • Explore activities and presentations that will help St. Bart’s continue to grow into an evangelizing parish and a mission and society conscious parish.

Special Activities

  • Attend annual parish Ministry Recollection Day
  • Annual Parish Ministry Appreciation Dinner
  • Help with Annual Stewardship Fair


  • Quarterly
  • As needed – depending on the activities of the Commission

General Qualifications Required of Every Council and Commission Member:

Specific Qualifications Required:

  • Practices the Catholic faith
  • Be visible in the parish by active participation at parish events
  • Sociable 

                           Outreach & Evangelization Commission Chair Position Description

Reports to:
        Pastor and Parish Pastoral Council

General Responsibilities of Every Council and Commission Chair and Co-Chair:

Specific Responsibilities of Outreach & Evangelization Commission Chair

  • Ensure that the outreach and evangelization mission of the parish is never relegated to the backburner but constantly revisited and implemented at various levels.
  • Explore activities and presentations that will help parishioners be more aware of their baptismal call to be disciples who help to spread the Gospel and who help to build the kingdom of God wherever we are.
  • Explore activities and presentations that will help St. Bart’s continue to grow into an evangelizing parish and a mission and society conscious parish.
  • Appoint one or two members of the Commission to work with or assist the Coordinator of De Paul Ministry in carrying out the goals of the ministry.

Special Activities

  • Host an orientation for new ministers
  • Attend Annual parish Leadership training
  • Attend annual parish Ministry Recollection Day
  • Annual Parish Ministry Appreciation Dinner
  • Help with Annual Stewardship Fair

Time of Commitment

  • At least 4 Commission meetings per year.
  • Attend PPC monthly meetings, lasting at least ah hour.
  • Allocate time to help (on limited bases) the various ministries under the Commission to plan events and programs that will help them fulfill the goals set for them.

General Qualifications Required of Every Council and Commission Chair and Co-Chair:

Specific Qualifications Required:

  • Practices the Catholic faith
  • Be visible in the parish by active participation at parish events
  • Ability to communicate effectively with Pastor, Parish Staff and Parish Committees.
  • Ability to coordinate efforts by multiple workgroups.
  • Sociable 

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The Church of 
St. Bartholomew
A Catholic Community
In the Archdiocese of
New York