The Church of 
St. Bartholomew
A Catholic Community
In the Archdiocese of
New York

Donations In Memory of A Loved One
We are grateful for the many things we have accomplished in the parish through donations from the families of deceased loved ones.

Many parish families have made donations, big and small, in honor or in memory of loved ones. Such donations have helped us to accomplish much needed projects like remodeling our altar space. Also we use such donations to purchase church items such as vestments, altar servers’ robes, sacred vessels, banners, etc. The Fund is also used for improvement and enhancement of our church facilities and church grounds. Gifts both large and small are most welcome. To arrange a memorial, please contact the pastor.

Mass Intentions
Many people wish to honor their living and remember their deceased relatives and friends by having a Mass celebrated. These Masses are celebrated in the parish and are announced in the weekly bulletin, unless one chooses otherwise. The usual offering is $15, as stipulated by the Archdiocese. This donation is called Mass Stipend and is meant to offset the things needed for the celebration of the Eucharist. One should never consider it as paying for the Mass, for no amount of money can purchase the Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ. The spiritual value is in the Mass itself. Please stop by the church office to arrange your Mass intentions.

Altar Flowers Donations
Altar Flower arrangements may be donated to remember living or deceased relatives and friends or to celebrate a special occasion. Please call the parish office with your request. The offering amount is $100 for two regular arrangements and $125 for two arrangements with roses.

Sanctuary Candle Donations
The Sanctuary Candle may be purchased in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends or to celebrate a special occasion. The offering is $10.00. Please stop by the church office to see when the Sanctuary Candle is available.


Memorializing A Loved One